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Business Succession

Business Succession Planning Tailored to Your Needs

Does the following scenario sound familiar? Solely, or together, with one or more business partners, you own and run your own professional practice or small business. For years, your dream, your personal dedication to excellence, your hard work and the risks you have taken, have provided financial rewards for you and your family. Now you feel trapped by your own success. You want to wind down and enjoy life, but you don't know how to let go. How can you make sure your business carries on without you? Who do you want to carry on the business? How can you turn your valuable ownership interest into actual cash for your future? Tractor Plowing Field

The attorneys at Pitt & Emison have been down this road before. Many options will allow you to sell your business and move on with your life. Let our attorneys work with you to create the business exit plan you deserve - a plan tailored to your unique situation and designed to make your transition into the next stage of your life satisfying and financially rewarding.

Early planning on how to exit your company at some point in the future can result in you and your family receiving the best possible results, now and after your retirement, disability, or death. You can protect your business by a sale to family, current partners, your employees or an outside buyer. You can make a difference for a charity or your community. You can do all of this while minimizing income, gift, and estate taxes.